Combined Christmas Service

23 December 2012

One of the traditions at Christmas time in Phnom Penh (there aren't many since this is a Buddhist country!) is a joint Christmas service with the larger English-speaking international churches participating.

Prelude music for the service

Just before the serivce was to begin, the lights were dimmed and Tim Amstutz and the musicans sang a prelude.

An Advent dance

In many Christian traditions, the liturgical seasons are not as extended as in the Catholic tradition. The service this morning began with an Advent dance as a part of the leading up to the celebration of the birth of the Christ.

The choir

A strong choir offered a lovely musical interlude in the middle of the program.

The children's program

Chris Bowman gathered the children at the front of the church and shared with them a Christmas story with unusual details they were asked to notice.

Bob Toan preaching

Bob Toan, the minister of the Second Mile Church, was the preacher this year with a theme that emphasized that Christmas is about God.

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